People walking through glass tunnel under clear blue sky.

Cookie Policy

About cookies on our website

We use various cookies on the website to:

  • Enable the website to function,
  • Measure its audience, and
  • Integrate services to improve user-friendliness.

Some of these cookies require your prior consent, others do not. You will find more details below.

Depending on your browser settings, you may be able to block some of these cookies. However, blocking them may lead to a poorer experience on our website.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a file, generally small and identified by a name, placed in your browser by a website that you visit. Your browser will store the cookie until the end of its validity or retention period and will send it back to the web server every time that you visit the website. Cookies allow us to collect information about your browsing and provide services appropriate to your device (PC, mobile or tablet).

Essential cookies

We inform you about the use of essential cookies that allow the website’s main services to work correctly.

These cookies do not require your prior consent.

Name of cookie Purpose Lifespan
cookielawinfo-checkbox-cookies-social-media Used to store the visitor consent for the cookies in the category “Social Media”. 6 months
cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary Used to store the visitor consent for the cookies in the category “Necessary”. 6 months
cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics used to store the visitor consent for the cookies in the category “Analytics” 6 months
cli_user_preference Used to store cookie tracking consent 6 months
viewed_cookie_policy used to store whether or not visitor has consented to the use of cookies. 6 months
pll_language Used to store language settings 12 months
_cfuvid Used to distinguish between two visitors sharing the same IP address. Session
__cf_bm Used to identified incoming traffic generated by bots. 6 months


Analytic cookies

These cookies aim to measure the audience of our website’s content and sections in order to assess them and organise them better. They also allow us to detect browsing problems and therefore make our services more user-friendly.

We request your explicit consent before we use the following cookies.

By default, refusal is assumed and these cookies are neither deposited nor activated.

You can withdraw your consent at any time.


Name of cookies Purpose Lifespan
_hjSessionUser_{site_id} This cookie is created when the visitor arrives on a page for the first time. It is used to store the Hotjar user ID, which is unique for this website, and to ensure that data from subsequent visits to the same website is attributed to the same user ID. 1 year
_hjUserAttributesHash Used to check whether a visitor attribute has changed and needs to be updated. 2 minutes


Used to store visitor attributes sent via Hotjar API


Used to check whether data stored in _hjUserAttributes is up to date Session
hjViewportId Used to store details of the visitor’s display window, such as size and dimensions Session
hjActiveViewportIds Used to store an expiration Timestamp that is used to validate active viewports on script initialization.
_hjSession_{site_id} Used to store current session data 30 minutes
_hjCookieTest Used to check whether hotjar tracking code can set cookie 100 minutes


Used to test whether local storage and HTML5 session storage are available on the visitor’s browser. 100 minutes
_hjTLDTest Used to detect the top-level domain (TLD) structure to determine the most efficient path to store the cookie Session
_pk_id Used to store some visitor details such as the visitor’s unique ID 13 months
_pk_ref Used to store the attribution information, the referrer initially used to visit the website 6 months


Cookies with a short life, used to store data temporarily for the visitor’s visit 30 minutes
_pk_testcookie Used to check wether the visitor’s browser supports cookies session
Hubspotutk This cookie keeps track of a visitor’s identity. It is transmitted to Hubspot when the form is submitted, and used to deduplicate contacts. It contains an opaque GUID (globally unique identifier) representing the visitor. 6 months
_hssrc Used to determine if the visitor has restarted his browser. Session
_hstc This cookie contains the domain, Hubspotutk cookie information, initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit) and session number (incremented for each subsequent visit). 6 months
hssc Used to keep track of sessions. 30 minutes
_gcl_au Used by Google Analytics to understand how visitors interact with advertising on the website. 3 months


Cookies related to social media and third-party services

Purpose. We request your explicit consent before we use cookies related to social media and third-party services, intended to facilitate the sharing of content and to make the website more user-friendly.

By default, refusal is assumed, and these cookies are neither deposited nor activated.

The browsing data collected may be used by third parties operating these social networks and third-party services on their own behalf, in order to offer targeted advertising and content based on your browsing history. For more information, we invite you to consult their privacy policies and cookie information pages, listed below.

You may withdraw your consent at any time.


Third party services Privacy policies and additional information about cookies used by third parties
Facebook Facebook privacy policy

Information about cookies used by Facebook

X (previously Twitter) X privacy policy

Information about cookies used by X

YouTube (Google) Google privacy policy

Information about cookies used by Google

LinkedIn LinkedIn privacy policy

Information about cookies used by LinkedIn

Google Maps Google privacy policy

Information about cookies used by Google

Xing Xing privacy policy

Please note that the language of the page to which you are redirected may be affected by the language configuration of your search browser.

Deletion of cookies and additional information about cookies

If you have given us your consent by clicking on the appropriate button on the cookie banner, you can withdraw your consent at any time. You can also do this by deleting the stored cookies via your browser.

Some cookies are already deleted when you close your browser (session cookies). Others will remain on your device until they expire or until you delete them from the cache (permanent cookies or tracking cookies) as these cookies allow us to remember things about you when you revisit our website.

By deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies, certain parts or functions of our website may not be accessible.

If you want to delete cookies that are already on your computer, please refer to the help and support function of your Internet browser where you will find instructions on how to find the file or folder where cookies are stored. For most browsers, the toolbar help function also provides information on how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, what to do to notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether.

Via the links below you will find more information about deleting cookies per browser:

Firefox Safari Internet Explorer Chrome
Firefox (mobile) Safari (mobile) Microsoft Edge


Changes to this cookie policy

We may occasionally modify and update this policy to ensure that it is always aligned with the cookies used. The updated version of this policy will be accessible on the same web page and will come into effect as soon as it is published. Please check this web page regularly to ensure that you are always aware of the cookies that may be placed on your terminal.