Industry scientist looks at soil sample with ipad Working people

Providing a unique array of solutions and technologies to suit your business

Businesses from every industry struggle to keep up with changing customer expectations, not to mention complexity, growing competition and globalisation. We partner with our customers to improve the lives of people.

Industry news and insights

Cyber Security Healthcare

Axians’ SOC Service: Ensuring Security for Hospital IT Systems

Hospitals face increasingly complex cyber threats, making traditional detection methods inadequate. Real-time detection and a 24/7 response capability have become more critical than ever.
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Axians’ eWaste solution: Enhancing efficiency in waste management

In the context of healthcare waste, which includes pharmaceutical and chemical byproducts, a vast array of hazardous and non-hazardous materials are continuously generated. The World Health Organization describes healthcare waste as a “potential reservoir of harmful organisms” capable of triggering global public health crises.
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Axians paving the way for smarter, safer, and faster railway transport

As the railway industry anticipates the arrival of the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS), Axians is deeply engaged in delivering the most effective methods to assist its customers throughout this transformative transition.
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Axians at Hannover Messe 2024

This year, Axians focuses its presence at the Hannover Messe entirely on the campaign motto "TO CONNECT OT".
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Government and Local Authority

How IT is helping city decision makers make effective choices

Until now, the development of territories has been carried out over time with the deployment of independent technical solutions that respond to identified and circumscribed issues: installation of public lighting to make night-time travel safer, deployment of heat or energy networks to improve comfort, installation of waste collection and water distribution networks to improve hygiene, deployment of communication and transport infrastructures to promote exchanges, etc. These non-mutualized deployments have progressively created silos, one consequence of which is to present territory managers with a fragmented vision of territorial functioning.
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Government and Local Authority

Improving quality of life in Aix-en-Provence through technology

The Aix-en-Provence city council has decided to capitalize on Smart City benefits mainly with the aim of improving the quality of life of both citizens and visitors. In addition, to showcase innovation at the service of the population and act for the environment thanks to relevant field data which will help to predict and thus better prevent.
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Government and Local Authority

Data Management for Smart City

Forecasts estimate that in 2050, more than two thirds of humanity will live in cities. This high urban concentration leads to new uses and growing expectations in the management of mobility, security, waste management, communication, city’s operations, sustainability, and energy consumption. To address these concerns and improve the living environment, the concept of smart city has emerged.
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Government and Local Authority

The development of video analytics for the smart city

Bringing intelligence to cities means increasing the quality of life of its residents or visitors, digitalizing an ecosystem, and making the whole environment interact to better understand it. At Axians, we believe that video analytic solutions can be one of the ways cities can improve the overall quality of life of its residents, businesses, and visitors.
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Business Applications and Data Analytics Logistics

Axians AI gives a boost to Logistics Management

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Education and Research Innovation

Automation in education: Accelerating campus innovation and efficiencies

Achieving optimal efficiencies in business has never been more important, as every industry continues to grapple with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and what it means for their future operations.
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